PDO Thread Lifts

Face and Neck Lifts

Common treatment areas:
• Cheek lift and tightening • Jawline lift and tightening • Neck lift and tightening • Nasolabial fold fill/softening • Marionnette fold fill/softening • Skin smoothing for sun-damaged skin

PDO threading is a procedure that safety and instantly lifts up saggy skin on the face, neck and body. PDO threads are absorbable sutures (aka stitches) that are painlessly "threaded" underneath the skin for an immediate face lift effect. Natural bio-degradation of the threads stimulates collagen for a long-term smoothing, hydrating and firming effect. PDO thread lifts are perfect for those who want significant lifting results but cannot afford the downtime. This procedure is often called the lunch-time facelift, because you can go right back to work—there is no downtime!
The benefits of PDO threading are: skin rejuvenation, lifting effect, toning of the tissue, wrinkle improvement and hydrated skin. Although you will see an immediate lifting and tightening effect, production of natural proteins continues for up to 6 months until natural absorption (hydrolysis) of the thread is complete. Due to the endogenous stimulation of collagen and elastin generated by PDO threads, the aesthetic effect can last up to 18 months. PDO threads have an excellent safety profile. PDO (polydioxane) has been a well-used material for sutures in cardiac surgeries for decades. PDO is completely absorbable and hypoallergenic. PDO contains no heavy metals and has no significant side effects.

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